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SmartReach Long Distance Service Refer-a-Friend

We want more customers just like you! Help your family and friends save on their long distance bill and refer them to SmartReach. Earn $5 of free long distance calling for every friend who signs up. When your friends sign up, they too will each receive $5 of free long distance calling!

Share your long distance savings tips and show them the most competitive per-minute rates to worldwide destinations – SmartReach - with exceptional voice quality and service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It’s simple! Log into the Customer Portal and click on “Refer-a-Friend” to send them an email about this great service. When they have successfully signed up, you receive an email containing your $5 bonus credit.


Subscribe to Pathway’s Internet service and save even more on Long Distance
Receive a $5.00 bonus for making calls! Learn more here How can I save on local cell phone calls with SmartReach?

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Canada 1.9¢
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